Welcome to my Rainbow Bridge page! This is the page to pay tribute to my animal family that have crossed over the 'Bridge'
The Rainbow Bridge
inspired by a Norse legend
By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill,
Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.
Where the friends of man and woman do run,
When their time on earth is over and done.
For here, between this world and the next,
Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.
On this golden land, they wait and they play,
Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.
No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,
Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.
They romp through the grass, without even a care,
Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.
All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back,
Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.
For just at that instant, their eyes have met;
Together again, both person and pet.
So they run to each other, these friends from long past,
The time of their parting is over at last.
The sadness they felt while they were apart,
Has turned into joy once more in each heart.
They embrace with a love that will last forever,
And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together.
© 1998 Steve and Diane Bodofsky. All Rights Reserved. Reposted by Permission
Visit The New Rainbow Bridge Website to see the poem and their cards and prints here
Visit The New Rainbow Bridge Website to see the poem and their cards and prints here
So here is my family....
FLUFFY 1994 - 2010
Sadly Fluffy only outlasted her brother by 4 months and went across the bridge last night. She was a beautiful cat. She was so pretty and looked like her paws had been dipped in cream! She was a very independent cat and loved being outdoors. She liked to be fussed on her own terms and as she got older and slept in the bathroom all day it was every time one of us went in there! She love to find strange places to sleep and often we would only know where she was by a small shuffling sound as she moved.
FLUFFY 1994 - 2010
Sadly Fluffy only outlasted her brother by 4 months and went across the bridge last night. She was a beautiful cat. She was so pretty and looked like her paws had been dipped in cream! She was a very independent cat and loved being outdoors. She liked to be fussed on her own terms and as she got older and slept in the bathroom all day it was every time one of us went in there! She love to find strange places to sleep and often we would only know where she was by a small shuffling sound as she moved.
Can you see her here? Barely visible! She had a beautiful purr like herself pretty and almost singing! Her growl though was just like that of a tigress! If any of the dogs came within 6 feet of her the growl would start low and gradually increase until it could be heard from another room! That was until she lost her sight and then she didn't seem to bother about them so much. Even in her last days she ears didn't let her down and at the sound of a tin being opened you would hear a sweet Miaow and we would have to find a bit of tuna or salmon just for her!
Our Bess was very upset when Fluffy left us and it was her little cries that set Mum off crying! But we all prayed that we wouldn't have to decide to have her put to sleep and thankfully she just slipped away during the night. We have had for over 16 years and she has been a very important part of our life and will be forever in our thoughts!
BILLY 1994-2010
Our Bess was very upset when Fluffy left us and it was her little cries that set Mum off crying! But we all prayed that we wouldn't have to decide to have her put to sleep and thankfully she just slipped away during the night. We have had for over 16 years and she has been a very important part of our life and will be forever in our thoughts!
BILLY 1994-2010
Billy was one half of our pair of twins! Not identical as his sister Fluffy is long haired with white on her and Billy was darker ginger and cream but otherwise they had the same colouring and the same green eyes! Now Billy has crossed over the Bridge we can see even more how much like Billy Fluffy is! He was a lovely cat; very self assured, loving and ready to play even in his twilight years! His favourite game was standing on the stairs and playing through the bannisters with his dad!
He loved nothing more than draping himself over Teri's shoulder and purring and as she put her head against his body and talked to him the vibrations of her voice made him purr all the more! He loved curling up on his Daddy's lap or cuddling up beside him in bed when his dad was unwell! He loved food and was often in the kitchen standing up on his back paws with his front paws on the cabinet handles trying to persuade Mum that he really needed a piece of the freshly cooked chicken or fish!
He loved the outdoors and was very happy to bring home his hunting prizes for us to see! There was only one animal he didn't attempt to catch and that was our bunny Angel! She was big and fast and he was scared of her! It was only in his last days that he didn't ask to go outside and lay in the sun! He was a lovely cat and he will be missed always!
ANGEL 1999-2005
Angel was a lovely funny rabbit with a very unique and independent character! She was big and our cats were scared of her! She was very feisty we think because she picked up on Teri's depression when she was just a baby! But for all that she was a very pretty bunny and loved being out in our overgrown garden racing around and eating all the dandelion leaves!
When we first saw her she had one ear up and one lopped but by the time we picked her up they had both dropped but we think her parents weren't both lops cos she used to run around the garden with her ears at half mast! She looked like she was about to fly and we called her our helicopter!
Here is my favourite picture of Angel Hidden amongst the Dandelions and is the way I will always remember her!
NUTMEG 1998-1999
Sadly i don't have a picture of Nutmeg! She lived in the days before I had a digital camera and I also thought I would have her much longer! She had a problem with her teeth and had to have a general anaesthetic to sort them out and being a small animal there was always the chance she wouldn't wake up and sadly she didn't! I was absolutely gutted and couldn't stop crying for most of the day! She was such a sweet little bunny and the first pet I had that was 100% mine! She was a house bunny and litter trained which i always thought was amazing! She was a scamp! She loved wires and stripped almost all of my computer wires without electrocuting herself and bit through 3 telephone wires when I was in the middle of a conversation and I would have to jump up and run to the phone box (I didn't have a mobile either) a couple of hundred yards away to call my friend back and say I was ok and hadn't been murdered! She would come and jump on the sofa and sit on my knee or flop at my feet when I was watching tv! Bunnies are so cute when they flop and roll over on their back! That year I had a birthday party in my new flat and Nutmeg came and danced in the middle of the floor without a care that she might get trodden on by the other dancers! She was very personable and is greatly missed! my near perfect bunny!
I don't want finish this biography without having a picture to represent her I have found one that looks like her off Google....
POPPET 1992-1994
Poppet was a rescue cat and comes with quite a story and maybe a warning! Be careful how you choose a rescue pet and where you get it from. Poppet was from our local Cats Protection League (I have nothing against the organisation but maybe the person who ran this particular shelter). She told us that she only had the one cat and that she was in perfect health and between 5 and 7 years old. Now her health was a very important issue to us. We had just lost our cat of 10 years to cancer and were still recovering from the vets bills and didn't want to have to face losing another cat so soon. She was a very tiny cat and to call her timid is an understatement. We got her home and let her out of the cage and she immediately ran beside the fire and wouldn't come out and it was too small a space to get her out ourselves. All we could do was feed her and hope we could eventually gain her confidence. She was fine with me and dad but really didn't like mum and from that we gleaned that she had probably been abused by a woman! (9 months later we finally had gained her confidence and could get close enough to put her back in the cage to take her to the vets without too much trauma to her only to find she was between 13 and 15 years old and dying of leukaemia! She was also part feral (wild)! We were gutted but of course there was no way we would part with her and so began the beginning of the end of her life. We were determined to make it as happy as possible and she lived with us for 2 years confounding the vets expectations and eventually died in her sleep, in the sun, in the garden...her favourite place! There is one thing we know for sure! Whatever her past life was like when she came home with us she found pure love and that is what she lived for and she died happy and content!
When she came to us she was such a cross pussy cat that she had a permanent frown on her face but I have photographic proof of how her features softened as she found love and acceptance and a proper home! I have pictures of Poppet but they are in print and so I will have to scan them into the computer and add them later! Our favourite memories of Poppet are the fact that our hamster escaped and must have run past her nose and she just didn't care! Either she was too tired to chase it or just blind but he had a very lucky escape! But by far the best was the night my mum bought home fish and chips! Mum hadn't been well and hadn't eaten all day so when we went up the road and she smelt the fish and chips she fancied it so I encouraged her to get them or she wouldn't eat that day! Well Poppet had other plans! Mum did eat that night but not much of the fish as Poppet became the most animated we had ever seen her! She climbed on my mum's knee and all but stole the fish off her plate! But as Poppet was poorly too how could my mum deny her something she wanted to eat so badly? I grabbed my camera and took photo's of the whole process (as before I will scan them in later)! Whenever we talk of Poppet we always remember the fish and chips with a smile!
Pussinsky II (Puss for short)
photo's and biography to come soon
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